Make parnassah
the last thing
you worry about

We provide hands-on support, financial consulting, and advice, both before and after Aliyah.

Make parnassah
the last thing

you worry about

We provide hands-on support, financial consulting, and advice, both before and after aliyah.

We help people just like you achieve their goals

Making a living in Israel isn’t as hard as you’d think

Many people put off their 
dreams of making Aliyah 
because they’re worried about 
the economy’s impact on their
quality of life.

At Route38, we make your big move to Israel smoother by helping you make smarter financial decisions – before and after Aliyah.
So your dreams of living 
and thriving in Israel
can finally come true.

Get a firm financial foothold in Israel

At Route38 we help you put plans into place for your parnassah 
so you can make Aliyah, and adjust to life in Israel,

with greater peace of mind.

From getting an Employer of Record to helping you build a business –
and everything in between.

I want to get paid in Israel

Get set up so you can continue
working for a foreign company, 
or work with foreign clients, and 
get paid in Israel.

I want to get
financial guidance

We’ll give you specific answers to specific questions, and help you make plans for your financial wellbeing in Israel.

I want to learn about
my options

Read through helpful articles and tune in to our podcast to learn more about making smart choices with your parnassah.

How we can help you

Do you work for a foreign company or have freelance clients outside of Israel?
We can help you get paid.
We’ll help you sort out the paperwork and set up systems that you get paid regularly in Israel – in dollars or shekels.
Do you work for a foreign company, and want to keep working for them after you move? Want to keep your foreign-based business running – or start building a new one in Israel?
We’ll help you navigate the local tax, legal, and government systems 
and create actionable plans to enjoy a good quality of life in Israel.
What’s the deal with Bituach Leumi? What rights do employees have in Israel? And what options do olim have for employment?

We regularly publish podcast episodes and helpful articles to guide you in separating fact from fiction, and help you make smart choices, as you learn about the financial aspects of making aliyah.

American-grade service.
Local expertise.

As olim, we’ve been there, done that. We know exactly what’s on your mind, and we know exactly what you need to plan for to make your move to Israel a smooth one.

And as Israelis, we know exactly what to do to get local tax, legal, and government systems working for you so you can focus on adjusting to living in Israel with better peace of mind.

Meet our leadership team

Baruch Swinkin

Co-Founder & CFO

Baruch brings over 25 years of experience in corporate accounting, finance and auditing, having worked in a variety of industries, including financial services and tech, from Big Fours to start-ups. In addition, Baruch is an active member on the Board of Directors for a number of not-for-profits in Israel.

Baruch’s passion is to give people the tools they need in order to survive and thrive, materially and spiritually, in The Land of Israel. He is most proud of the beautiful family, B’AH, he has built with his wife Yaffa and of reaching the stage of being a grandfather. You will often find him biking in the historic, scenic Judean hills surrounding Beit Shemesh.

Yael Frydman

Chief Operations Officer & VP Human Resources

Our cornerstone and rock, Yael holds an MBA and has trained in advanced human resource management. Her experience in local business and international corporations, together with her innovative thinking, analytical prowess and her ability to place and retain every. last. detail provide our clients with the peace of mind they need to sleep soundly.

Yael is an active community member, and is on the vaad of a few local initiatives. She gets most animated at the opportunity to help teach and guide olim, new and veteran, drawing from over 25 years of experience navigating the system and helping them to learn the ropes. Yael is also the proud mother of 6 and a grandmother.

Mike Kashnow

Business Development & CTO

Mike comes to Route 38 via a lifetime of entrepreneurial pursuits. His background in tech and web make him a natural fit to guide the technological elements, and his experience editing and in education provide a strong backbone to our legal and promotional materials. Mike’s unique blend of problem solving and miss-timed wit has gotten him both in and out of trouble nearly simultaneously time and again.

When not following his dream of seeing good people succeed in business in Israel, Mike can be found on the football field, or hanging out with one of his kids. Mike knows that to build a quality business requires quality people, and he surrounds himself daily with only the best.

Learn more about Financial Aliyah


Is it hard to make a living in Israel?

Listen now

Should I freelance, open a business, or work as an employee?

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How to work from Israel for a US company

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Can I get an Israeli job before making Aliyah?

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Resources on Employee Rights in Israel

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We wrote the book on financial and professional services in Israel


We wrote the book on financial and professional services in Israel

Download your free ebook about career success in Israel.
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